Den 10-12 maj gästas Östgruppen av den ryska journalisten och människorättsförsvararen Andrej Kalich. Under dessa dagar arrangerar vi två seminarier på det högaktuella temat Korruptionen i Ryssland.
Andrej var tidigare medarbetare vid Centret för mänskliga rättigheter och demokratiutveckling men jobbar idag som frilansjournalist. Han leder expertgruppen för anti-korruption i det rysk-europeiska civilsamhällesforumet, och är medförfattare till rapporterna ” Corruption and Human Rights in Contemporary Russia”, ”Russian black money in the EU”, ”Indications of Transborder Corruption in Investment Projects in Russia” och “The role of civil society in fighting corruption”.
Vissa av rapporterna kommer finnas tillgängliga vid seminarierna. Mer information om seminarierna finner ni nedan. Anmälan via denna länk:
Varmt välkomna!
How to prevent transborder corruption between Europe and Russia?
When the Panama Papers hit the headlines earlier this spring, a lot of attention was given to the extensive corruption in Russia, and particularly to the close ties to president Putin personally. Still, many believe that we only have seen the tip of the iceberg.
To deepen the understanding of Russian corruption, and especially its international links, Östgruppen invites you to a seminar where the question of how to prevent the transborder corruption between Europe and Russia will be addressed.
As corruption has become increasingly global, Russian and European actors need to cooperate to fight it. There are both Russian black money invested in Europe, and European investments in dubious projects in Russia. Preventing this kind of global corruption should be of great importance to us. So what international initiatives and instruments are needed to fight the transborder corruption? And how can we prevent ourselves from becoming a cog in the Russian corruption machinery?
- Andrey Kalikh, freelance journalist and former co-worker at the Centre for development of democracy and human rights. Head of the expert group of anti-corruption within the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum. Co-author of the reports ”Corruption and Human Rights in Contemporary Russia”, ”Russian black money in the EU”, ”Indications of Transborder Corruption in Investment Projects in Russia” and “The role of civil society in fighting corruption”
- Birgitta Nygren, former head of Global Responsibility at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, board member of Transparency International Sweden.
Place: The Royal Coin Museum, Slottsbacken 6.
Time: May 11th, 12.00-13.30. We offer a light lunch from 11.30.
Language: English.
Some of the above-mentioned reports will be available during the seminar.
The link between corruption and human rights violations. The case of Russia
The extensive corruption in Russia is a problem that affects many parts of the Russian society. Not only does corruption hamper the economic growth and destroys the efficiency of the state system, but has also got a huge effect on discrimination, inequality, impunity and human rights violations. The correlation between corruption and human rights is strong: The higher level of corruption there is – the poorer is also the human rights record. Russia illustrates a striking example for this phenomenon.
On the 10th of May, Östgruppen invites you to a lecture by Russian journalist and human rights defender Andrey Kalikh, who has written several reports on corruption in Russia. While Andrey was working as a human rights defender, he established clear facts that the most of the human rights violations in Russia are based on corruption. For this reason, after almost 20 years defending human rights, he turned to anti-corruption work. During the evening Andrey will present examples of the linkage between corruption and human rights violations in Russia and give suggestions on what we can do to support this work.
Andrey Kalikh is a freelance journalist and former co-worker at the Centre for development of democracy and human rights. He is the head of the expertgroup of anti-corruption within the Russian-European Civil Society Forum. Co-author of the reports ” Corruption and Human Rights in Contemporary Russia”, ”Russian black money in the EU”, ”Indications of Transborder Corruption in Investment Projects in Russia” and “The role of civil society in fighting corruption”.
Place: The Swedish Institute, Slottsbacken 10.
Time: May 10th, 18.00
Language: English
Some of the above-mentioned reports will be available during the seminar.